Take a look at our

Our Loans

Are you in for a large purchase? Do you need a large sum of money at your disposal? All Hamptonib members can qualify for a loan.
We take care of you
No documents needed
Fast & easy loans

Bold desing and beyound

The grant and credit policy

The Credit Committee, and in some cases the ‘Loan Officer,’ approve the loan applications. The decisions are based on the Credit Policy that the Hamptonib Board and the Credit Committee have pre-determined. The conditions, under which members can get a loan, are defined in the Credit Policy. The office will notify you about their decision regarding your loan application.

Are you in need for a load? Get in touch with us.

Take a look at our

Our services

Long Term Savings (DALP) 1 year 3%, 2 years 3.5%, 3 years 4%

Long Term Savings is a special savings account, which secures the saved amount for a period of 1 year.

Saving for annual expenses 2.5%
You can save up for recurring annual expenses like your holiday or your children’s studies on a special account. Unlike the Deposit Savings Account, you cannot withdraw money from this account through the ATM.


All Hamptonib members are required to deposit the minimum amount of NAfl. 25,- to save shares. A share is the amount of money a member contributes with to the capital of the credit union.

Prime 4.5%

The young learn from the elder: the Prime account is great for teaching your children how to save from an early age. Prime 4.5% is a savings account for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years who are still in school or pursuing their higher studies.

Make use of your savings potential!

It’s always nice to have an amount saved up that you can fall back on, such as expenses that you cannot cover off your monthly salary. Or a financial setback, such as an unexpected major car repair.

Easy 2.5%

Easy 2.5% is a savings account where you can withdraw money at any moment from. You can do so by withdrawing from the Hamptonib service desk or at one of our ATMs. The advantage of saving through Hamptonib is that you will receive a higher interest rate.